Camp Spanner Open

Friday, 30 November 2007

Question ??

Would the team manager or team director please advise us if team calendars are going to be avaible for 2008??


  1. Good point Skip and could I request that I am in it a bit more this year cos it always pee's off the Paddling pool safety office!...DC

  2. Hi Guys and Dolls,

    I have spoken to JC about this and I can't remember what he said, but I think it was positive. But will check again.
    He does monitor this Blog so he may remark himself.
    Have fine weekend all.


  3. Well!!!! RD How are you? and big hugs to Claire....was a rumour that ya had bust yer fingers comin off the bike on the Braknell
    By-Pass...But No...Glad you've only got Ambrosia..Maybe JC will flag in??


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