Camp Spanner Open

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Hang on,there s more!

Phill Mitchell ?
Oh dear! just a Audi cap,

R 2 DEE 2 ?i think this means the welding on the barrier is spot on . ( & Jon A didnt weld it!)

I think the camp is thatttt aah waaaay. (I might of had a little drink,only a small one honest.)

Now i just dont no what to say! (Everyone to there own......)

A little Jason montage

Jas with his new friends.
French ladders are made to a diffrent spec than ours,hey.(not even bending)

Having a little sleep. (bless)

Ithink he s wishing or Lofty already has stabbed him up the arse ?

Ithink he is having a good time, dont you ?

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Go-ped injury

Hi every one, as suggested by Skip a couple of piccy's of joe 90's foot. Apparently the French did'nt give the correct treatment or advice and is still in Chertsey hospital. He has been there since our return from Lemons.