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Saturday, 29 September 2007

Lisa Sez..........

Hi ya All...Just gonna paste some stuff from Lisa...Lovely lady is mailing me but tis for us all...Julian if ya mail me I can give ya Lisa's Addy and maybe you can fix it so that she can post her stuff....Girls gonna be lonley for a bit and could probably do with some team support....XXX Love ya Party Girl !!
Hi Everyone
I have just been on the website and so just thought I would update you.
Jamie has flown to Iraq this morning in the early hours.He will be over there for the next two weeks and then comes home for two weeks and then must go back for six weeks.
Still trying to not think about it really.
As and when I hear anything from him I will email to let you know.
We had a lovely time in Newquay for my birthday.Tried surfing and of course we were naturals,especially after sambuca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I could have been tall enough to hold the surfboard it would have helped!
Anyway Dave we hope you enjoyed your bday too and had a few drinks!
Hope to speak with you all soon.
Thanks Dave,Mark,Clare and Jase for the birthday greetings.I have been looking at all the photos tonight.
Lots of love Lisa xxxxxxxxx