Camp Spanner Open

Monday, 11 October 2010

Its got some very big shoes to fill !

Well i hope everyone is well ?

Seem very quiet apart from the cheese roll kid & his June report.....

As you can see, D437 SUD bless her,has retired from active duty.She is suffering from a certain cancer (Rust) that i cannot prolong or cure.This is with great sadness,although she is still with us,she probably has taken her last trip.& will be a very sad day when she goes.

So let me introduce you to the new D437 SUD,& will carry this registration with alot of pride!
Who will be now converted & take over active duty's in early April (With a bit of luck)
Jason has now taken over organising next years french excursion...
Which will give me more time & he feels he needs a more active role in the team.So please give him all the support he needs.....