Camp Spanner Open

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Team Spanner would like to dedicate a moment to our honorary member "Gip"
without whom the LDV support vehicles would probably struggle to reach French soil
but he has never actually made it to Le Mans himself!!!
Best mechanic going..... despite the odd coach fire or two!!! ( see live footage)
Thanks Gip we'll get you there one day!!!

Love all at "Spanner Racing"

Friday, 6 July 2007

Happy "30 th" Lofty.........
Hope you don't get any refusals
You'll have to show it one day!!!!!!!
Love Shazza x


This is what age does to you!(DONT WANT TO WORRY YOU)

Race Director

Well my friends,

Good news has finally arrived, the Insurance company (gawd bless em) have coughed up a serious amount of dosh to yours truly.
The other good news is that at this present moment in time, they havent insisted I send the 'buggared one' back as technically it is now their property.

Give it a couple more weeks and I will attempt to open the 'buggared one' as carefully as I can (of course) and retrieve the tape.
I just hope that it can still be played and the 'moisture' that 'did' for the camera in the first place hasn't also 'buggared' the film.

A fella in a shop told that sometimes the film gets stuck on the head in the camera.
Lets hope this doesn't happen, other wise any record of the valiant and extended display of courage in the face of freezing water pumped at well over 'normal' pressure by our resident Fire Officer will be lost forever, well, till next year, cos he'l have to do it again.

Have a good weekend.
Happy birthday Fire Officer!!!


Happy 30th Birthday "Lofty"

The Team want to wish "Lofty" aka Nick our Fire Officer Happy Birthday for Saturday 7th (070707)

Thursday, 5 July 2007

LDV Convoy!!

Here are a few pics of our LDV crew...on the way home

Lofty - get a turbo fitted for next year...

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

H n S wants £2.50 a shot! Is he that good?

Hi All....Got some lovely pix from Paul (Health n Safety) of the # 1 & #2 cars in the paddock.
Go to and you won't have to pay £2.50 per shot! As I did before I realised he was giving em away for Free!.... 11.1 Months to go! Cotton

2008 Booking Form...


I have got the booking form for next year if anyone wants me to email it to them - drop me an email or comment.

Dave - its for Camping Permits...but I reckon there will be a Spanner Racing Booking form in the next few months!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

In Memory of our Missing CEO!!

The Year.....2001
The Place....Le Mans pit straight
The CEO......Chicken Entertainment Officer!