Camp Spanner Open

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Super Heroes Mulsanne Montage "Monge Toute Rodney"

Well Thanks Skip for the chance to let
us entertain all day! As you all know Mike and I are very introvert and it was a big struggle for us to come out of our shells!!

Skip manages to stop the Super Heroes from taking off using only the power of his Magic Slippers!!

Banana Teapot Man !

Eat yer heart out Lone Ranger! Wally Man Always rides Bare Back

Service Garcon Wally Man proudly shows off his packet whilst balancing beer on a tray

Wally Man goes Invisible, even the Gendarmes can't see him!

That Fire engine was doing 70MPH Wally Man uses his Magnetic Feet Powers to Save the World with a water pistol !!

The Dynamic Duo.... Oh Purleeze don't look at Me........We're sooooo Shy....

Fuel Man thinks he is leaning on the armco BUT Wally Man is Invisible Again!!

Off and Away to help Michelin Man Save the Universe..........

Sticker sez it all.....
Time for bed.........

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Media/photo swopping

Hi All,

Thanks to all for making the weekend what it was.
Special thanks to those that made the week what it was.
Trojans, Skip, Lofty and Jason, members of the Logisitcs Department, performed their magic and we had a camp containing unimaginable luxury's and for that Marsty and I are truly grateful. Thanks Guys.

I still feel rough.
Got a very bad tum, has anyone else suffered?
Maybe I'm geting too old?

Can those that want copies of Marsties photos please reply to this entry with postal address in order for the appropriate number of CD's can be burned and despatched?

Laters doods.
