Dear Honourable members,

Just a swift line or twoto report status of the healing process.
Lower leg.
I think its healing.
Must be.
Walking better, but the fracure still aches and gives grief when I am on it too long.
So vertical and locomoting, but not chasing anything yet.
Shoulder/right arm.

Had another op on Feb 3rd.
Redid the presentation of the ball to the arm, bone graft from right hip and some magic pixie dust to promote bone growth, cos that wasn't happening from the first op.
In Physio now, not too much movement, but hopefully Phys will give a little bit more.
Dr is talking another op later in the year to get more movement.
Hope to get back on a bike later in the year, but a small one.
Start off on a scooter,then a 650 maybe, the 1200 GS and replacement duc will have to wait till next year now.
Le Mans 2010; well I wish all those that are going this year a good trip.
Sadly Marsty and I won't be there.
And the Classic is probaly a no go too.
This bloody accident was a bad one, I dont think I realised the extent of the injuries and the duration of the healing process.
The lawyers are still arguing and waiting for different reports from the cops and the NHS.
Amazing isnt it, they are all waiting for info from the people who I pay with my taxes!!!
Bloody civil servants.
Any way peeps, thats my news.
Cant wait to see the new website.
Jason, Gedditt sorted.
Regards to all.