i pulled a couple of hotties
it all got a bit much for the old man lol
hes s"see i still got it "
the driver
passenger no 1
what can i say another great year, thanks to john and skip, i will never bloody be allowed too forget the cheese roll incident {i bloody know i offered you one skip and john} met some great new guys cant remeber there names , and missed some old freinds (not u lofty) best car line up in ages, was strange without all our usual gear but if iam honest it was great too go with no worries just set the tent up and we was ready to go. big thanks too you all for feeding us lol never seen rain like we drove down in and realy enjoyed the wipers packing up and trying too take one off in it, lol we keep up the spanner spirit on friday i very nearly repeated last year and lost the plot but just managed to save myself and skip was pin ball walking by the end of the day lol ,race day was hot an ive not walked that far for a long time! but got too see some new places too watch and big shout too joe ninety best fire works at lemans ever definatly goes too you , and as you might have seen a great field of cars and a great race (up urs peugeot lol) and i agree with skippy come on guys lets have a great turn out next year lets revive the spanner name!!!!!!
next year may even see my little baby at le mans and i do mean my car lol thats if someone does not pull his finger out lol so iam not holding my breath, so come on guys lets make 2011 the biggest ever turn out
hope ur all ok and great too see your getting stronger mark