Jase has just left the Sowfampton branch with a full tummy an a smile on his face...Moi aussie...Was just locking up and thought I'd better check the Crown Jewels...new face n all LOL...Lo n Behold!!**! The bloody DVD's r missing!!!! Possibly last seen in a white diesel van wiv loadsa smoke! An a bloke drivin with somethin up his jumper! Sooooo if any team member would like a copy of Health n Safety's 2007 Le Mans debaucherie ( There is some French in that word) please send your home address to
Skip@noquestionsaskedthefence.co.wmufcos he knows Jase and Skip gets Free Post!!! and mealz on wheels!!! And he aint in the video!
PS Who is Secret Squirrel???
To be revealed..........................
iam so sorry dave lofty paid me too do it he said you was taking too long handing them out so hes got them now i droped them off if ne 1 wants 1 give lofty a shout hell get skippy too free post them not looked in your garage yet then i promise i wont scratch it!!!!!!!! can i smell sumthing you spilt beer dc wink wink