Camp Spanner Open

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Bon Voyage Team!!!

Have a bloody great week, look forward to hearing all of the stories and seeing the pictures

Make sure you come home with some silverware?

Hope LDV Convoy get there ok without any hitches!

Have a good one et al

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Team Members (Reminder!)

We needed to pay for 2008 tour shirts on this FRIDAY if we can please!!

The Toy Car is a Bit Sick............

Hi Ya All....Well the Cob went through the MOT with a little help from my friend! It seems she is over fueling a bit and the emissions were'nt at their best. Sorted with a different car on the ramp! Anyway, I have had a niggling water leak and whilst in cleaning mode over the weekend I found the culprit....See pic. The thermostat housing musta come from India or some other third world casting shop, cos it is well corroded and lost a decent chunk. Sooooo got a new one and me n Nick are gonna put her back together tonight. Also I have got hold of the engineer that built the beast and I am inviting him down over the coming weekend to give her the once over.
makes ya laugh don't it....There's me giving Skip n Lofto stick about the LDV's and the week before we go there is stuff to fix!!! Anyway have checked the weather and it looks good for race week, like 27 degrees on race day and a dry run down for Thursday......Appeeee Daze....See ya all soon......... DC