Camp Spanner Open

Saturday, 9 February 2008

van watch

thing have started too get done now theos {project manager} is there too tell them what too do!!
lofty and skippy in catauloge pose {note lofty screwing in a invsible screw}

Useful Eblag Tool...


As we are on the blag for items and Skip is on Spanner Duty in Wimbledon today, he has asked his internet slut Jase to stay at home and bid on some items on eBlag!!!

Jase, thought I would tell you about a very useful tool that bids for you 20-30 seconds before the end of the auction so you don't get into a bidding war...

Register for free and your allowed 3 snipes each week - you put in your maximum bid and it places it for you - if the value has already gone past your max, tuff luck but it helps you to win items

Have fun - let me know when you have our blag list and I will mark down the winner for each one

Skip will them buy the person with the most blags a beer - or a free LDV service by Gyp!!

Thursday, 7 February 2008


The Foci has been Spannered !


My vote!

Breakfast Chef 08

Nominations for this years Chef ?

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Spanners on the Piste !!!

Hi All...As you can see the Spanners had a
High O'l Time in the snowy mountains n bars of Austria! Pete thought he was going on a swimming holiday and Shaz was the only one that could afford ski's!!! Laughed Hard every day tho' Big Up to Julian for the great new work on the page...Looking Good Mate........................

White Suits Look Ok!

Racing suits

Just a thought..........these racing suits could we use the throw away type and maybe get them airbrushed the same as the team shirts?

crap idea I know, white would be better if track temps get a bit high