Me and Marsty got home OK as did Guy, Reesy and Zita.
What a weekend!
Great to see old friends and makes some new ones.
Marsty and me would like to thank the usual suspects, you know who you are.
Organisation, pre and during the weekend was exemplary.
The transportation of all the equipment that never missed a beat, massive, fantastic effort from them all.
Marst and me would like to say nice one, huge bigguns, many thanks Jase, Andy and Big Jim.
And a very big nice to meet you to Tracey for taking care of them.
Take care everyone, Marst and I will be doing the Classic in 2012.
Laters to all.
Have added a few select piccies for your delectation.
If you want all of Marsty's, let me know.
Jason and Andy have my phone number.
Maybe Jules has also.
Mark and Marsty