Camp Spanner Open

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Need a Doylie Wiv That??

Honey I Shrunk the Cob !!!

wasnt there dunno bout the veryan gotta mix up in the date should I turnuo mid July wiv me whites???

Friday, 4 April 2008

How many Weeks???

Bin playin a bitta table tenniss....n remebered it's aint far away./..(pleazzz note i m ritin in Weyfufffffffffffff mode) so all can understand xXXXX D Xxxxx oh yeah and a bitta Brackenese...............So seems , no bmw boys, JC John, millsie?? Nige nah..Lolly??? such a nice man....Jeff? nuther H e on it? N H & S??? Paul>( one trip an dlegendry? Wot you just ticked the box?) And John??? so just the 17 of us ..hey ho Born Slippy,,,,Jamie over this weekend...from my end swe ave chips n ermma...we'l see///j n lisa...we know sthat lady can party!!! new on my side will be Mike ..cob co pilot and Marty ....part animala and dont want any pics vids etc...just wantsta be surpised...they will fit in!!! chip n emmm all I really need iss the boot space ...sure it will be a party... Lofto if ya cant get barn pic wiv yer cam try DoylieVisiobn!¬ X! Oh and Sharon AKA handbrakeholder are you on the trip this year?? you bin very quiet for a LM Party Planner? Now that you have stopped cookin (Visa veeee Tram to Town) does that mean the washing wont get done?? that is enuff terxt cos we all get bored with the big the n ones from Wey Muff

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Just for those Green Fingers in Team Spanner!!

Jase - in Holland they call this Guerrilla farming!!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Le Mans 2008 ticket availability


Some of the Central Southern Branch and the Midlands members are not going to make it this year, so...........

JC and John have 2 General Entrance, 2 Grandstand and 1 Houx Annexe going.
(I am going to take the camper for Julian)

So offers to either JC or John for the tickets that are available please.



Monday, 31 March 2008

Localised Postal Strike - Basingstoke

I have just realised that Spanner Productions were going to send out "The Adventures of Team Spanner 2007" last year

I know post offices are being shut but there can't be a postal strike for this long!

Has anyone spoken or seen the Safety Officer?

I know he is probably busy in Bahrain for this weekend's GP

Guess the Car!!!

Come on you petrol heads - tell me what this is?

Spotted on the streets of Moscow a year ago - is it was in an Auto Trader it would be gold plated!

Cairo Auto Trader


I haven't found an Auto Trader for you but there are some wicked motors here...

Old VW's that run too hot so the boots are open, buses with panels hanging off them and this quality taxi that just got it wrong when they stopped

Sunday, 30 March 2008

how nice?

look what arrived in the post this morning ready for le mans!! all joking aside how sexy an retro is the astons this year

caption competition

not sure what had just been said but you can make up your own comments i think sumthing was said about getting him drunk ,vaseline ,and a hotel room!!!!!!!!