Hi All....Sorry not been about, I got a little Hung Up!! Obviously time consuming being an Austrian scarecrow and only recently got of the hook.....been putting my time to some very good use tho' from my office/wardrobe....Unfortunately more
cerebral than liquid, but very worthwhile.....Anyway... Got a plumber looking for a boiler, shown him a pic of the old one and he may be able to help...Managed to get hold of 3 very rare "
Houx Annexe" Camping tickets!! Many Thanks Skip....Spoke to Jamie who was off to
Donnington with the new
Excige, reckons it is
Awesome, completely different car to the yellow one. He is off to the "Ring" at the end of the month..Ya might wanna call him for dates RD. Mail me for a number.....Nice comment the other day too RD, chip of the O'l block....talking of which, Chips is right up for it and has been in good training, said only today "I Must get that roof rack sorted" How are we doing for fridges Skip? The Cob has been out only once this year...Waszsa Mega blast for 60 miles round the lanes of Hampshire tho' Mucho adrenalin and looking forward to the french roads. I aim to get a roof for her this year, wouldna wanted to try n get her home in some of those rain storms from last year!!
Hope you are all well, looks like it could be just us in the field this year!! Hey Ho...still be the best party on Earth!!! DC