Camp Spanner Open

Saturday, 22 December 2007

If a new post is posted........

Does everybody get an email?

Cos I don't.

Bah humbug!

Friday, 21 December 2007

At last !!

Hi guys remember me have finaly logged on yippeee,
Happy Xmas to you all

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Festive Stuff from Team Panto!!

Some Festive Fun from a few team members..Took us ages to work theM moves!!! Hit the link

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

L & N Go Camping.....

For Hand that Judiscious as soft as your Face...Use Mild Cream Fairy Liquid XXX .... Nuff said...Need a New Boiler!

Events Calendar link (Test)

Guys and Gals,

Also I just put a new link on the team links its for an 'Events' calendar.
Can members try out the link and let me know if they can get to it and if they can update it please?
Reply to this post please.


Team spanner Racing 2008 Calendar update

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am pleased to announce the impending design, creation and printing of the 'Team Spanner Racing' 2008 calendar!
I spoke in earnest to JC today and he said, 'I have the photos picked out am thinking of doing a montage of sorts, probably, no definately not this side of Xmas, but hopefully sometime in January'.
So fellow teamsters, who wants a copy?
I can hazard a guess at the cost which will be between £6 and £7. that is the price that they have appeared at in the past and unless there have been significant increases in printing services I have no reason to suspect they will be much more than last year.
This means that you will be making a committment to buy before knowing the exact cost.
Sorry about that.

Please may I request that those team members who would like a copy, reply to the following address

Just declare your name (in full and not txt) and how many copies you want.

Requests for copies must be received at the above address by Friday 3rd Jan 2008, if you haven't got them in by then you will miss out on this magnificent offer for personal immortality for a whole month during 2008 as well as a constant reminder of that most excellent week in June at a reasonable cost.
In defining this deadline I am hoping that we can then give JC the time to get the design work to the printers, receive them and then post 'em before the end of Jan.

So get to it, get your requests in ASAP.

Merry Christmas to all and a very happy New Year.

Love and kisses to all.
(This is assuming I don't post until its all over and the fat git has sung)

Mark and Clare.

Monday, 17 December 2007


Check out on to English.then to 24hour.then to tickets,click on line booking,then camping,then houx annexe.There it is:-SOLD OUT!