Camp Spanner Open

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all members of Spanner Racing.

Hope everyone has a great time with plenty of good food, good beer and fine company.


Mark and Marsty


  1. likewise to all , not too many sprouts either !!! got the food got the drink got to wait a few months for the company............ttfn

  2. Yep...Seasonal greetings and especially A Healthy New Year,,,,don't think prosperous will rear it's head for a while LOL
    Thanks to all the hard working team members for another memorable crew, oooh err. Skip, Lofto n Jase....DVD n stills, so we can remember wot happened! Mark n Marsty...Julian, although absent on the tour, kept us up front, X Mate you had a big year, Thank you.
    Chips has gone a bit nuts but I know he means well and For what it is worth I reckon Love is the only thing worth having....Peace XXX

  3. Chris, you say the nicest of things.
    Dave,as do you, but stop using the 1960's Woodstock love pills.

  4. Aint done em since last June RD....was just projecting some inner stuff, maybe a little vodka induced. Hey Ho, tiz the end of another year........Peace X X X

    PS written with a full keyboard LOL

  5. nice van chris mate but i think you should have coverted an ldv m8 thats just the easy way out i mean loftys been slaving away every weekend just too finish his for next year aint he skippy


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