Camp Spanner Open

Thursday, 17 April 2008

WANTED: Team Trailer

Now the Weymuff crew are seasoned coach builders with the 2nd LDV, surely they could build a bespoke Team Trailer

Couple of axels, bit of welding by Jas, electrics by Gyp - job done...

Come on Skip, Challenge Spanner!!!

You could even build a shower/porta loo trailer...
What do you think Team?


  1. Whats the news on the steel supplies for the next project skip?

  2. that looks like serious poo palour!!! does a ziner frane fit in there? tolg ya can get a trailerrr.4 69 bar?? no deposit ...only 7 weeks n 38 daze to go///////..........

  3. chips was ere tonite ...strugglin co he has a roof rack for th ford n wheer takin the citreon?? to blend in of course...bring on yer conkkkrete wallls if ya think chip is ard enuff!!11.........,,,,,

  4. Dave.
    Does chips still need the sizes?

  5. on lighter note...they are all your offspribg,,,but some of the kids dont wanna wear pink kin shirts!!! so my vote as a fully paid up team member would like to vote for and i;m not just saying this for myself but i feel that i am speaking nah talking for other tem members when i say on behalf of the committtteeeee tis kin kin shirts cos it will be hotter this year than ablutions under the tap!!"

  6. Does that translate to shirts instead of polo shirts?? If so I second it!!
    Can translate vodka drivel LOL

  7. talking of vodka sharon have i got sum vodka for you too try 2 bottles to be precice just too let you know what its like i work with a polish guy and hes got me sum from poland just for you an dc and i bet you wont be able too understand him after a bootle of that sharon

  8. After two bottles of vodka....I can speak a language that no one can understand LOL

  9. after this stuff i dont recon you could talk


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