300 miles ,approx ,£60 fine, 3 points, (note:- the last time i done 110 MPH,I was in a plane!)& i must say the POLICEMAN was a nice man.& one puncture.one refused pudding.Me & the kids are home.
Show was very good & i think a must for next year as a Team.As you can see what you think are special cars seem to be very common!Sorry about the lac of photos!Been given a new camera and didnt no that the card that it comes with only holds 5 pictures(thanks Jase for putting me straight on that)BUT ive got a feeling there will be more photos later and full show report from are possible new team driver (hooo seems to be very confident driver at 100 Mph. THE POLICEMAN SAID THAT!)& has the yellow ticket to prove it Jase.
I would just like to put in my defence now!!!!!I was plyed with alcohol all day and all evening not to mention copeous amounts of illegal substances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!