Camp Spanner Open

Thursday, 5 July 2007

LDV Convoy!!

Here are a few pics of our LDV crew...on the way home

Lofty - get a turbo fitted for next year...


  1. dc quality with the number plate me an lofty was laughing for miles an i see what skippy means about you. id watch out next year

  2. Hey Jase...Wot Do you mean??? Moi?

  3. yeah dc ur a legend m8 the number plate was pricless i bet there will be a lot of number plate checking before every 1 leaves next year

  4. lofty was told by a member of the ldv team he didnt need a turdo needless to say he was lying cheers skippy. every big hill half way up when we dropped too 30 was commented "yeah off course we dont need a turdo were flying now"


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