Camp Spanner Open

Friday, 23 November 2007


Id like to kick things off by saying a huge thankyou to all those that helped me get where i am today.Skip+Jase for constantly nagging each other as to whos responsability it was to get me sorted(it did kinda work).Julian,many thanks for all the tecnical stuff,even if most of it did go straight over my head!Of coarse not forgetting Sharon,for who if it where not for her kind generosity i would still be making excuses as to why i dont have a computer!

I feel i should apologise to every one who was eagerly awaiting for my apperance last night,im sorry but being a complete computer virgin,registration and signing in to "our site" did some what try my patiance,had to register over the phone in the end.skip showed me how to sign in a little earlier(cheers m8) so my cherry is now offically popped,world domination here i come!

just a few more things to bring up...Team LDV will be cracking on with the conversion in the very near future(barn cam should be up and running soon).missing everyone who isnt "yocal" BIG LOVE to you all,see ya all soon............


  1. hey Loft XXX Owz the doylieeee industree??? glad ta see ya ,,,Tiz a stronge warld out ere in cyberspaze!!

  2. ope yer up 4 it...LOL...diffrence tween text talk and the English Oxford Dickshioanry LOL...fuc* the Beef Muftain and all the Wing Comandoors...OOO eee Ahhh And i'nm stchillll waitin???

  3. Well done Lofty - glad you eventually got it sorted out

    Now you can order your Christmas gifts from Dave!!!

  4. As a footnote to that Julian...Little Chips thinks it's all real and really REALLY wants a hat! Bless

  5. Welcome aboard Lofty....nice to hear from you.... Stay away from the could cause all sorts of problems with your affliction!!!! All those refusals...XXXX

  6. hmmm....1 too many sherberts last nite i think dave!


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