Camp Spanner Open

Saturday, 27 October 2007

T'is done - Ferry booked.

Hi chaps and chappettes,

Our ferry is booked.!
Sunday 8th 23.30, Portsmouth to Caen.
Monday 16th 20.15 Cherbourg to Portsmouth.

Only thing now that could spoil the party is the ACO not playing ball and allocating crap camping tickets.

Hope all are having a good weekend.



  1. Nice one RD...I presume that was with Brittany...did they fleece ya??

  2. PS...presuming as Nige aint going ( or is he really?) that Marsty is with you for the trip?....Still no comeback from Jamie or Lisa...reckon he's in the desert and dust on the Lotus

  3. dc not sure if he had too doo both stints in the desert spoke too one of his mates on the boats i work on an he seems to think he only done the first trip

  4. Mark.well done.Dave we must sort out thoses calanders (pics ect) needed to get them off middle of nov!!

  5. Hi Y'all,

    DC £302. And yep, Marsty is coming again as Nige definately is not.
    Do you wanna come to Nurburgring next year mate?
    Cos the bikes and cars are going again and if you wanna come along you are most welcome.

    If nobody replies to me regarding Le Mans classic by Monday (Tomorrow) we can suss out how many are going to go and begin to approach the Hotels in Le Mans that are not bookable via the Internet by phone (Jeffers has stepped into the breach, good man) to see if they have pre-req number of rooms available over July 12 and 13.
    Hope Jamie is OK and in dangerous waters.
    Is he back in Blighty?
    Is he in a reasonably safe area?

    What calendars?

    Are you gonna do Le Mans calendars again this year?

    God its crap weather here today.

    See'sya's all later


  6. Hi All....Thank you all for invitations, information and obligations...Mark will think on the Ring thing, would like to, wot dates do you have in mind. Jase, got a tex from Lisa today...she has been away for half term and I am expecting a call from Jamie as soon as she talks to him, wherever he is? Skip presume your talking Advent calenders for the ticket ladies...Will look into that soonest...Right, roast beef and early nite, off to Weymuff in the morning..ta ta

  7. Dave.
    wot time are you in Weymouth tommorrow? & where??


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