Camp Spanner Open

Monday, 25 June 2007

Team Spanner Blog Lanched....

Welcome to "Team Spanner"

Team Spanner has evolved over many years during the party weekend at the annual 24 heure Le Mans race in June, when they join the pilgrimage to Le Mans in France.

The Team is lead by Team Captain - Skip and Team Director Mark, bring the different parts of the team together.

The team has expanded over the years, and sadly some members are unable to join in the fun and frivolities as they are now on the other side of the world - especially our CEO - Cheif Entertainment Officer - Sharpy!! You can catch up with him at

After many years Team Spanner have decided to get a web presence, to help the team members from around the UK arrange logistics (sponsored by LDV!!!), Team Shuttle services (provided by BMW) and our drivers race times from Caen to Le Mans and how many speeding fines they can avoid....


Driver 3 in his Focus RS - 2 speed traps and 1 fine
Driver 1 in his Cobra and Driver 2 trying to catch up (as they got lost) in his Lotus Exige both avoided (some how!!) pit stops with the local fuzz....

This year we had a handful of new members join the team at a wet weekend (luckily not as bad as Glastonbury!!) and loose there Le Mans Cherry - Chip, Lisa, Dickie, Alan, Jason and Paul!! Let's not forget Safety First - it's very important to have a good time, but safety is always important...

Oops - sorry forgot another newbie - Clare (have has my knucles wrapped!!)

More updates to follow and some pictures...


  1. Nice One Julian...Tis about time Team Spanner got the recognition it deserves!!! It was a fantastic year this year, even with the rain, Update on Driver #1, I got flashed twice and still waiting for the Gendarmes invite for next year! Ya wanna get ahead get a COBRA......
    Cobra Cop

  2. cheers all great week 1st of many with team spanner jason [fuel man]

  3. Dear Moderators,

    Pissed and bolloxed Venning here.
    So pleased that Team Spanner is making waves and showing a presence on the good ole World Wide Wait.
    Nice one Jules for doing the honours with Andy and getting it started. Web site has definate potential.
    Seeya all soon, I hope.
    What happens if I cant be arsed to get a Google account (Another password to remember)?

    A big thankyou to all under canvas who made the week a memorable one.

    Friday was the pinnacle day for me, Fantastic day/evening.
    I don't remember too much of it after getting back from the liquid lunch at Mulsanne.
    Still requesting information from anyone who can fill in a few points.

    Regards to all


  4. Hey Mark...just to fill in a few blanks...Claire got your ride in the Cobra sans Le Mulsanne and you left em a present behind the Hunderies armco!!!
    If your uploading videos Julian, check out Youtube and search le mans video called "Shhot offs" in there. About 4 mins 30 secs in, Shaz n I turn up in the Cobra. After a bitta fun we burn some rubber!!
    Evenig All.... Cobra Cop

  5. great start to a great site quality julian its was my 1st year with team spanner an my best year yet cheers to all team spanner and LDV logistics [skip an lofty] an cheers dc a tick on my list cant wait for next year havent laughed that much in ages!!

    and remember SAFTY FIRST!
    how was the drive home john

  6. Jules,

    You forgot Clare as losing her cherry over the weekend.!
    You're in shit now.

    We will take a shot of us in the shirts and send them to you mate, I got yer email.

    Thanks for the information DC.
    I knew that much. IT was after that, when the night came. No real details, just a feeling I had a good time.
    Laters doods.



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